Today is going to be a painting update for the week, but first a few bits of news. You may have noticed there's a new icon up there in the header. That's right the Duke now has a new shiny patreon page. But don't panic, this does not mean I will suddenly be doing paid for content or anything like that. It merely means that a few people have expressed a wish to support my work and patreon seems like the best way.
My current plan is that all the posts on the Patreon page will be public, so no pay wall locked content. They will be slightly more current than my social media channels though. What I mean by this is that I paint 7 days a week at the moment and post 5 days a week. This allows me to get ahead so that when I have large groups of similar models, say 40 zombies (see later), I don't have to just have a month of posts showing the same mini in different colour schemes. The patreon page, however, will be more like a painting log, so I will post things as they are done, rather than waiting for a whole group to be finished.
I also want to use it to engage more with community so I will post Work In Progress posts, random musings and polls about what content you guys would like to see from me. So it will be different from here and from the social channels but theres no obligation to pledge, but if you want to throw some pennies in the tip jar and help keep me in brushes every now and then I would be very appreciative.
Right, so what've I been painting this week... Well, I finished the core box survivors for Zombicide...

I also finished all 40 Walkers...

And I've started work on the brownstones, although there's a long way still to go that project!

Short and sweet this week. Next week I'll be moving on to Runners and Abominations for Zombicide. I'll hope to get some work done on the brownstones too but it all depends on the work schedule. Regardless, until next time, have fun painting...
The Duke