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Abstract Games generally eschew theme and instead focus on pure mechanics. These games tend to have only a few rules, but a lot of tactical and strategic depth.

Colour Chess & Lure
Colour Chess and Lure are stand-alone games that can be combined. The game can be enjoyed by any level of ability, from kids (who enjoy focusing on the colours while they are learning the movement of the pieces), right through to Chess Grandmasters (who expertly incorporate the colour strategies into their existing skill-set).
In both games the premise is similar: use the colours to control and predict your opponent’s movements.
Each player takes two turns at a time, but on the first turn players must move onto the same colour tile that their opponent moved onto on their last turn. This allows you to bait pieces, force movement and control certain colours on the board.
Strategies and skills learned through traditional Chess are directly applicable to Colour Chess, but you must learn to incorporate the use of colours in your strategy and adapt your skills to a new board every game.
There is also a strong emphasis on creativity and exploration, whether it is in the construction of the board, the different pieces and game modes you can combine, or how to escape a seemingly impossible situation!
Hey, That's My Fish!
Hey, That’s My Fish! is an engaging, award-winning board game of strategic fish hunting, in which two to four players control determined penguins hungry for their next meal on a bustling Antarctic ice floe. Do you have the mettle to grab more fishy meals than your feathered foes?
Since Hey, That’s My Fish! was originally published in 2003, it has become widely popular as an engrossing and strategic board game for casual family and tactical play, and it was even recommended in 2006 for the Spiel des Jahres award. Now, Fantasy Flight Games is proud to publish this definitive edition of the game, which includes a new box, new penguin miniatures, and new artwork.
Hive Pocket
Hive is an award winning board game with a difference. There is no board. The pieces are added to the playing area thus creating the board. As more and more pieces are added the game becomes a fight to see who can be the first to capture the opposing Queen Bee.
The soldier ants battle to keep control of the outside of the hive, whilst the Beetles climb up to dominate the top. Spiders moving into holding positions as the Grass Hoppers jump in for the kill. Keeping one eye on the hive and the other on your opponents reserves, the tension builds as one wrong move will see your Queen Bee quickly engulfed; .... game over!
Shuuro is the core of a new system of abstract war gaming, where you are in command of armies of chess pieces. Differently from traditional chess, you are not forced to field a given set of pieces on the board, but can choose which pieces to field, based on your skill and tactical preferences. The innovative gaming board features terrain elements that change position every time you play, so that each game introduces uces a different challenge.
The Hand of the King
The king has called for a lavish feast and tourney, the likes of which have not been seen in the Seven Kingdoms since the days of Aegon the Conquerer. What’s more, the king has declared that at this feast, he will choose his new Hand—and you have a chance of rising to this lofty position. Of course, you’re not the only one with eyes set on becoming the power behind the Iron Throne. In Hand of the King, you’ll need to scheme and backstab to outwit your opponents, and you’ll need the help of Varys, the Master of Whispers, to do it.
Hand of the King is a fast-paced card game of conspiracies and sudden twists of fate for two to four players, challenging each of you to gain the most support among the twisted intrigues of the King’s Landing court. Each turn, you’ll send Varys to do your bidding, moving through the court and inciting iconic characters from A Song of Ice and Fire to support your cause. With the help of some companions and crafty alliances with other players, you just might rise to become the king’s new Hand!
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