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Painting Pledges 2020

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

As we close the doors on 2019 I like to take a look back on the year that was and see how the dukedom has grown. In 2019 we officially ported over to the new site and over the course of the year I have started to add some new galleries and features. I plan to continue this work over the next year, it’s just sometimes tricky to find the time as I’d rather be creating new content than cataloguing the old.

Talking of new content, 2020 is off to a good start with 5 new Invader minis...

But what about 2019? My painting total at years end was 357 miniatures, unless I missed any, but that is basically 1 a day but I actually paint at most 5 times a week so this was a really good batting average.

It breaks down as follows:

That’s a lot of board games! I also completed some bigger projects, such as my arches project (they can be seen in the background of this post.) which has been unfinished for about 5 years. I actually still need to do the tops of these so I can’t quite check it off yet. I am getting closer on the Road to Victory project with only 2 or 3 tiles remaining. I also did a bunch of other terrain items including resin vehicles, zealot miniatures dungeon furnishings, foam core buildings for Shadows of the Past etc.

I also grew both of the social media channels this year. On twitter we've gone from about a dozen followers to over 200 in the last five months, while on facebook we doubled our page likes from 70 to 140 over the course of the year. Pretty happy with that, if you want daily updates please follow along on either channel.

Looking forward then to 2020, here’s what I pledge to get done:

  • Finish Zombicide Invader (Not Including Dark Side) - 96 minis

  • Finish 2nd Edition Descent (Not Including Monster & Hero & Lieutenant packs) - 28 minis

  • Finish Tail Feathers - 7 minis

  • Finish TMNT Change is Constant - 59 minis

  • Finish Imperial Assault - 6 minis

  • Paint at least 180 miniatures

If I hit my individual targets I’ll also hit the overall goal, hopefully I will do all this and more but of course I might get distracted by other shiny things. As well as all the board game stuff I’ll aim to also take some swings at some resin and pewter stuff but I’ll do that as and when.

I also have some terrain goals. I want to finish at least one more tile for the Road to Victory project. I have also just bought a bunch of buildings to create a Tattooine/desert backdrop for Imperial Assault photos so I’d like to get those painted asap. The same for a snowy/Hoth setup.

That’s about all from me this week. Let me know in the comments what you guys are painting in 2020.

Until next week, have fun painting

The Duke


The Duke just wrote all his new years painting resolutions and is already thinking of going off book and painting some Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game!

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